Founded in 2017, The Torch is committed to providing liberal news for a more liberal world, seeking to cut through the misinformation and fake news that is so often found today and provide a breath of fresh air.
We’re independent because we as an organisation are not formally affiliated to any group or any political party. While our liberal motivations may see us focus more often on the Liberal Democrats, we are interested in liberal news wherever it arises.
We seek to cut through to the truth, represent the underrepresented, and prioritise the reporting of political news that breaks the trend of both left and right populism.
We’re a site dedicated to bringing you real news about real politics, and not being afraid to criticise politicians for misinformation, lies, or plain fake news. While independent, we don’t profess to be neutral – we’re proud of our liberal values of equality, opportunity and community. As such, we openly focus on political news that impacts on those three values.
Our site is run by volunteers who don’t get paid at all. You can follow us on Twitter @TheTorchSays, or on Facebook /thetorchsays.